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Customers On-The-Record

We have been purchasing an assortment of Supermills since the spring of 2008 and are very pleased with the performance of these end mills. We used the XPR series end mills in place of cobalt roughing end mills and went from 6 IPM to 36 IPM, not to mention tool life increased 10-fold. We have tested the Supermill against other manufacturer’s high performance end mills and Supermill has outperformed all the competitors. All of the different style end mills that we have bought from them have met and exceeded our expectations. We look forward to doing more business with Supermill in the future.
Wayne LaBreck - Arundel Machine Tool Co.

We at Barnes Aerospace have been doing business with Supermill for the past 20 years. Their commitment to quality, on-time delivery and pricing is second to none. They have continuously met our needs year after year and with the Supermill line of high performance tooling, they have enabled us to keep up with the ever changing environment of the aerospace industry.
Eric Whitney - Barnes Aerospace
Windsor, CT

These Supermills are the go-to end mills for our manufacturing department. Every job that we use these little monsters on, the run- times are dramatically reduced. They have amazingly long lives, they hold tight tolerances consistently and they will not break your wallet. Definitively give them a try.
Barry Space - PMC Industries
Wickliffe, OH

I’ve been using the Supermill-XP for the past few years and I haven’t found any other end mill that can outperform it. I’ve tested many other brands and they all fail to run as fast or for as long.
Bobby Clay - H & R Mfg. & Supply
Willis, TX

As the purchaser for H&R MFG & Supply, I have found that Supermill has been reliable, accurate and very pleasant to deal with. Their prices, for the quality of end mills they produce, can’t be beat.
Kevin McBride - H & R Mfg. & Supply
Willis, TX

Supermill’s SM6F outperformed any other cutter we tried. Excellent tool life, exceptional finish while holding tight tolerances for straightness. We have been very impressed by Supermill.
Mike Lazzaro - BNB Manufacturing

We ran Supermill’s SM5F ½” cutter in an Inconel operation against 4 nationally known competitors. A single part took 14 hour to fully machine. The best the others could do was to get 4 parts per tool. Supermill delivered 20 parts per tool – 5 times the tool life! That performance saved a customer for us.

In another application, we ran Supermill’s XP ½” and ¾” cutters in heat treated 15-5 Stainless against a nationally known competitor. The operation called for several different types of passes from slotting to finish radial cuts. With the competitor’s cutter, they got 50 parts per tool. With Supermill’s ½” cutter, we got 75 parts per tool and with their ¾” cutter, we got 85 parts per tool. The customer has referred us to 3 other customers who now use Supermill’s XP for all their Stainless work.
Mark Tschabold - Kalmet industries
McMinnville, OR

Just wanted to let you know that we used your 3 flute, 50° helix 5/16” end mills (Series SM3F) and the results were just great! The tool slotted 150” of Nitronic 40 going .285” axial depth and then another 300” taking a .030 deep finish pass at 3 IPM and 1000 RPM. It looked untouched. We tried a couple of your competitor’s tool and yours just blew them away!
Keith Goodrich - Crescent Aeropsace & A-1 Machining
New Britain,CT